Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sound Design Week 4


~Researching music of the time


Download Max/MSP


This version represents a new era of Max programming, with a completely redesigned multi-processing kernel and a streamlined development environment built on a platform-independent foundation. With a new patcher interface, searchable database of objects and examples, integrated documentation and new tutorials, the new Max user will find a smoother learning curve while experienced users will see improved productivity.

Miller Puckete

Miller Smith Puckette is the associate director of the Center for Research in Computing and the Arts as well as a faculty member at the University of California, San Diego, where he has been since 1994. Puckette is best known for authoring Max, a graphical development environment for music and multimedia synthesis, which he developed while working at IRCAM in the late 1980s. He earned a Ph. D. in mathematics from Harvard University in 1986 after completing an undergraduate degree at MIT in 1980. He was a member of the MIT Media Lab from its opening in 1985 until 1987 before continuing his research at IRCAM, and since 1997 has been a part of the Global Visual Music project.

Max Matthews

Max Vernon Mathews (* November 13, 1926, in Columbus, Nebraska) is a pioneer in the world of computer music. He studied electrical engineering at the California Institute of Technology and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, receiving a Sc.D. in 1954. Working at Bell Labs, Mathews wrote MUSIC, the first widely-used program for sound generation, in 1957. For the rest of the century, he continued as a leader in digital audio research, synthesis, and human-computer interaction as it pertains to music performance.


1. Eno/Byrne Samples

2. Cecilia --- On file


3. Midi - Reconstitute

Archive - UBU
Stream - ShoutCast > Freesound
Hard: Wire Tapper

4. Live
5. Midi Efftects

Export to:

Wav-Stereo-Pen 16

6. Bring Ableton/Put in Pat's Box
7. Mix All Sounds In Audacity/Twick them in Cecilia
8. Download Koan/Noaticle

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