Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wire Tapper Response

I listened to The Harmless Dust by David Grubbs and Nikos Veliotis. It was pretty cool, not a type of thing I would listen to normally, but I could see slapping it behind a dramatic scene. It seemed to play with some of the same ideas we worked with today of putting tones on top of one another. It almost reminded me of what Pat had playing for us when we came in. The droning effect is kind of soothing actually. Not quite numbing, but I could see how the track could clear someone's head and help them calm down. Actually, Requiem for a Dream popped into my head. After everything goes to hell in the movie, in order to neutralize the audience, which is usually falling to pieces at the end of this film, this track could both emphasize the film and clear the head to move into something else. Okay, I'm rambling now. Enjoy your own selections.

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