Tuesday, May 13, 2008


#N canvas 288 109 563 654 12;
#N canvas 0 22 604 396 conversion-tables 0;
#N canvas 0 22 450 300 graph1 0;
#X array dbtorms 123 float 1;
#A 0 0 0 1.25893e-005 1.41254e-005 1.58489e-005 1.77828e-005 1.99526e-005
2.23872e-005 2.51189e-005 2.81838e-005 3.16228e-005 3.54813e-005 3.98107e-005
4.46684e-005 5.01187e-005 5.62341e-005 6.30957e-005 7.07946e-005 7.94328e-005
8.91251e-005 0.0001 0.000112202 0.000125893 0.000141254 0.000158489
0.000177828 0.000199526 0.000223872 0.000251189 0.000281838 0.000316228
0.000354813 0.000398107 0.000446684 0.000501187 0.000562341 0.000630957
0.000707946 0.000794328 0.000891251 0.001 0.00112202 0.00125893 0.00141254
0.00158489 0.00177828 0.00199526 0.00223872 0.00251189 0.00281838 0.00316228
0.00354813 0.00398107 0.00446684 0.00501187 0.00562341 0.00630957 0.00707946
0.00794328 0.00891251 0.01 0.0112202 0.0125893 0.0141254 0.0158489
0.0177828 0.0199526 0.0223872 0.0251189 0.0281838 0.0316228 0.0354813
0.0398107 0.0446684 0.0501187 0.0562341 0.0630957 0.0707946 0.0794328
0.0891251 0.1 0.112202 0.125893 0.141254 0.158489 0.177828 0.199526
0.223872 0.251189 0.281838 0.316228 0.354813 0.398107 0.446684 0.501187
0.562341 0.630957 0.707946 0.794328 0.891251 1 1.12202 1.25893 1.41254
1.58489 1.77828 1.99526 2.23872 2.51189 2.81838 3.16228 3.54813 3.98107
4.46684 5.01187 5.62341 6.30957 7.07946 7.94328 8.91251 10 11.2202
#X coords 0 10 123 0 200 100 1;
#X restore 302 48 graph;
#X text 504 141 0;
#X text 506 41 10;
#X text 321 151 ------ 123 samples ------;
#N canvas 0 22 450 300 graph2 0;
#X array mtof 130 float 1;
#A 0 8.1758 8.66196 9.17702 9.72272 10.3009 10.9134 11.5623 12.2499
12.9783 13.75 14.5676 15.4339 16.3516 17.3239 18.354 19.4454 20.6017
21.8268 23.1247 24.4997 25.9565 27.5 29.1352 30.8677 32.7032 34.6478
36.7081 38.8909 41.2034 43.6535 46.2493 48.9994 51.9131 55 58.2705
61.7354 65.4064 69.2957 73.4162 77.7817 82.4069 87.3071 92.4986 97.9989
103.826 110 116.541 123.471 130.813 138.591 146.832 155.563 164.814
174.614 184.997 195.998 207.652 220 233.082 246.942 261.626 277.183
293.665 311.127 329.628 349.228 369.994 391.995 415.305 440 466.164
493.883 523.251 554.365 587.33 622.254 659.255 698.456 739.989 783.991
830.609 880 932.328 987.767 1046.5 1108.73 1174.66 1244.51 1318.51
1396.91 1479.98 1567.98 1661.22 1760 1864.66 1975.53 2093 2217.46 2349.32
2489.02 2637.02 2793.83 2959.96 3135.96 3322.44 3520 3729.31 3951.07
4186.01 4434.92 4698.64 4978.03 5274.04 5587.65 5919.91 6271.93 6644.88
7040 7458.62 7902.13 8372.02 8869.84 9397.27 9956.06 10548.1 11175.3
11839.8 12543.9 13289.8 14080;
#X coords 0 12000 130 0 200 100 1;
#X restore 309 225 graph;
#X text 319 333 ------ 130 samples ------;
#X text 518 318 0;
#X text 520 218 12000;
#X restore 121 588 pd conversion-tables;
#X obj 31 411 line~;
#X obj 31 387 pack 0 100;
#X floatatom 31 339 3 0 150 0 - #0-cf -;
#X floatatom 47 461 3 0 999 0 - #0-q -;
#X obj 16 512 vcf~;
#X obj 31 436 tabread4~ mtof;
#X text 81 461 <-- Q (selectivity);
#X obj 15 267 clip~ 0 0.5;
#X obj 15 291 *~ 2;
#X obj 15 315 -~;
#X text 119 268 trick to;
#X text 120 285 make symmetric;
#X text 118 302 triangle wave;
#X obj 22 147 f;
#X obj 55 145 + 1;
#X obj 22 217 mtof;
#X obj 55 169 mod 8;
#N canvas 0 22 450 300 graph1 0;
#X array \$0-array1 8 float 2;
#X coords 0 96 8 36 200 100 1;
#X restore 340 144 graph;
#X text 73 336 <-- center frequency;
#X obj 22 123 metro 85;
#X text 107 147 sequencer for;
#X text 122 164 8 note loop;
#X obj 16 576 output~;
#X obj 22 104 tgl 15 0 empty \$0-metro empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1
1 1;
#N canvas 876 177 379 259 startup 0;
#X obj 22 24 loadbang;
#X obj 22 48 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1
#X obj 22 67 f \$0;
#X text 35 195 This subpatch loads initial;
#X text 31 219 values in number boxes.;
#X msg 22 91 \; \$1-cf 61 \; \$1-q 10 \; \$1-metro 1 \; \$1-array1
0 45 48 50 48 55 53 55 57;
#X connect 0 0 1 0;
#X connect 1 0 2 0;
#X connect 2 0 5 0;
#X restore 121 611 pd startup;
#X text 96 364 at least 61;
#X obj 22 241 phasor~;
#X text 294 616 updated for Pd version 0.39;
#X obj 22 193 tabread \$0-array1;
#X obj 16 540 vcf~;
#X obj 31 362 max 61;
#X text 82 409 smooth & convert to Hz.;
#X obj 47 482 max 3;
#X text 105 483 at least 3;
#X text 11 28 Here's an approximate reconstruction of an old riff by
Pink Floyd. Because we're filtering a waveform with odd partials \,
it's easier to pick out the partials in the filtered sound than if
we had had both even and odd ones.;
#X text 78 527 rejection of the stop bands without having;
#X text 79 509 Put two vcf objects in series for better;
#X text 77 545 to make the passband excessively narrow.;
#X obj 230 338 hsl 128 15 0 127 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 10 -260097
-1 -1 6500 1;
#X connect 1 0 6 0;
#X connect 2 0 1 0;
#X connect 3 0 32 0;
#X connect 4 0 34 0;
#X connect 5 0 31 0;
#X connect 6 0 5 1;
#X connect 6 0 31 1;
#X connect 9 0 10 0;
#X connect 10 0 11 0;
#X connect 11 0 5 0;
#X connect 15 0 16 0;
#X connect 15 0 30 0;
#X connect 16 0 18 0;
#X connect 17 0 28 0;
#X connect 18 0 15 1;
#X connect 21 0 15 0;
#X connect 25 0 21 0;
#X connect 28 0 9 0;
#X connect 28 0 11 1;
#X connect 30 0 17 0;
#X connect 31 0 24 0;
#X connect 31 0 24 1;
#X connect 32 0 2 0;
#X connect 34 0 5 2;
#X connect 34 0 31 2;
#X connect 40 0 32 0;

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