Monday, January 23, 2017


If you look over to the right, over.....down a little...There.
There is a section called "LINKS YOU SHOULD VISIT". You should. I mean it. If you want to know more and have technical explanations and examples of the stuff i talk about in class, visit those links, browse the pages and get familiar with the things i am discussing for your benefit.


Today i Talked about

1.) the Harmonic Series

2.) Just Intonation [1/1, 2/1, 3/2, 4/3, 5/4, 6/5, 7/6, 8/7, 9/8]
We'll talk about building or own scales at some point..remind me.
PRIME NUMBERS Create NEW Feelings.....remember that.

3.) Equal Temperament

4.) CD Quality, NyQuist Frequency, Bit rates [16, 24, 8 bit!]

5.) BPM Beats Per Minute [72 Bpm HeartBeats]

6.) Waveforms [Do the Synthesizer exercise!]

7.) Floats & Integers

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