Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Imogen Heap

Thanks to the advancement of technology her song sounds a lot cleaner. With more effects such as auto tune, delay, and chorus flanger Imogen Heap sounds a lot better and spacy. Notice I used the word “song” even though it doesn’t have many musical instruments like “O Superman”, Imogen formats it more like a song with the traditional verse, chorus, bridge, etc. If not, at least it has part you can begin to identify as such. In Laurie Anderson’s “O Superman” I can even began to dissect it into a song format. I also use the word “song” because it had more actual singing involved. This acapella doesn’t have nearly as much vocal distortion compare to Anderson’s. Even though I have no experience with the tool, I have this hunch that Ableton live was use in this process of having her vocals still come out this clean. I appreciate the sound design in “O Superman” more but I’d rather listen to Heap.

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