Thursday, August 28, 2008

Errata Erratum

The "redundancy" of the term or phrase 'Errata Erratum', the first word just being the singular form of the second one, seems to me a very clever and ingeniuos play on words to illustrate the very idea of music looping. I choreographer once told me that in order to tell a story right you must repeat it over and over...
I find this passage fascinating:
"By not altering its pitch or timbre, one keeps the original emotional power that speech has while intensifying its melody and meaning through repetition and rhythm"
Steven Reich

1 comment:

Mar said...

Interesting. Thanks for sharing that! I hadn’t thought of the title that way! I looked up the word on after reading your post and came to find out that an Errata is “a list of errors and their corrections inserted, usually on a separate page or slip of paper, in a book or other publication”. Seems to me that that digital media allows one the ability to do this visually. By using historical video and sound clips as collage pieces, we can literally see past errors in society etc. on a screen and gain perspective on these errors by reflecting on a condensed version of a large span of time. The artist, through his art, helps us make connections that we were formerly unable to see. Reflection on such a piece may lead to a perspective shift, or a “correction”.

As for the Reich quote…it sums up exactly how I felt about track 12 on DJ Spooky’s CD.