Monday, June 9, 2008

notes for sheila and katherine

1. There are rex files which can be found here These are audio files. We downloaded one or two and opened them as an audio track in live. Then if you right click on the audio track there is an option "slice into new midi track". Then you can select a method and it alters the audio(kind of like a filter) but it also sliced the audio into different tracks which you can rearrange.

2. We played in keykit. We used the Markov Maker and Bounce tools. Markov maker selects samples of a midi file at intervals you select and then plays them together. Bounce lets you select 4 midi files and plays them based on the visualization of a line bouncing to turn them on and off.

3. In order to export a file you select 'snarf' in the options and then create a 'group' tool. select read->snarf. and write->(this is where you save your file, you might have to add '.mid' to the end of the filename. You can then import these midi files into live.

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