Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sound Unbound and my Audio Clips

Cinq Études De Bruits: Étude Violette - What can I say... it was reaaaaally short.  It did, however, seem like something that I would use in a movie clip or something like that.  It was a kinda cool piece.  Now, would I go out of my way to listen to it over and over again?  No.  Not a chance.  But it's still pretty cool.

Poème Électronique - I have actually heard this piece before.  It was when  took a music appreciation course.  I didn't quite get it then, but since I've started listening to more audio clips and pieces like this, I've kind of gained an appreciation for it.  While, once again, I wouldn't normally listen to it over and over again, I do realize that there is so much to this that you don't get out of what most would consider conventional music.  It offers so much to think about, and puts so many different images in your head.

Concret PH - The one thing I really thought about when listening to this was a rainstick.  I also heard these little beeps and boops that made me think it sounded like it was a computer generated rainstick, because it sounded like a rainstick... that beeped and booped...

I offered some minor descriptions of my pieces on the pieces themselves in soundcloud.  If you would like something more in depth, please, feel free to ask:

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