Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Not a post about Just Intonation

Because Pat said we could blog on anything he talked about, I figured I'd talk a little bit about things I understood to some degree.  While Just Intonation had some things about it that made sense, I really wasn't able to grasp it fully, so I figured I'd talk a bit about John Cage.

When Pat first mentioned John Cage, what immediately came to mind for me was the altered piano.  I must admit, the fist time I ever heard the altered piano, I was a little put off.  I didn't know what to think.  I laughed a little, strained my ears a little and just thought, "well maybe if I listen again..."  For those of you who don't know what an altered (or prepared, if you'd rather) piano is, it is a piano that has had objects like erasers, forks, etc. put on and between specific strings inside a piano.  This gives the strings altered sounds when they are struck, which allows for an all new alternative kind of music, which is exactly what I first heard from John Cage.  If you're going to look up any pieces like this, I would suggest Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano, Sonata No. 2.  If you google that exactly, it should pull up in the video links.

Something else I would like to talk about is ambient music.  When I heard Music for Airports I thought "huh... so this is ambient music."  Then I remembered a couple pieces that I have written and thought "well now I know what to label them as."  Ambient music is not something I think I would go out of my way to listen to, but I will agree that it probably wouldn't ever really get on my nerves.  It really is a background sort of thing that you hardly notice, but when you do notice it, it's not because it bothers you.

Anyway, I guess I'll leave off there for now.  See you all tomorrow.

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