Wednesday, January 25, 2017

How the music made me feel - Matthew Castillo

The first piece "Fripp and Eno" reminded me of death and being born again at the same time. It was exhilarating to listen to in the car on the way to class, I felt the vibrations through my body a little but there were certain parts where bells or some sort of chimes came in that just bugged me because I guess my ears are sensitive to the frequency, this was similar in a lot of the other pieces as well. Overall I felt this piece would have been lovely to be in an Indie film like a coming of age movie or something, I find this true with the rest of the songs included too. The second piece "Discreet Music" made me feel like I was walking through a forest or a park and cherry blossoms were falling down on me, I had like an Anime moment with this piece and I very much enjoyed the melody. The third piece "Music for Airports" felt clever because it reminded me of the end of a sad movie when people usually leave on some kind of "find yourself journey", it was really deep and self reflecting. The final piece "Gymnopedie" was just weird, I don't know how to particularly describe it but it felt like piano music played in a hotel lobby or something. I couldn't relate it to film very much, but it felt like I was just sitting at a hotel lobby waiting to meet someone that was very very late... These are the things I pictured while listening to these pieces, I don't know if this is "analytical or critical" of the pieces but I can surely redo this assignment if it wasn't done correctly... Anyway hope you readers enjoyed my analysis, if you can even call it that, just wrote from the heart, because that's where I feel the music, "music in my heart" as my music professor would say.

- Matthew Castillo

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