Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Listening Assignment

I was pleasantly surprised when the music on the cds were not the kind of dissonant noise that I have been producing in Ceclia and on the Pro One.

It shows that with some care the sound can resemble music.

However, this "music" was from from entertaining and certainly difficult to listen to for any extended period of time. However, I could certainly imagine hearing this kind of music at some futuristic amusement ride or even as background music to some postmodern play. "Solar Ellipse" from Barry Truax would fit a lot of postmodern pieces.

"Riverrun" was certainly a lot more noisy and disjointed than "Solar Ellipse" ultimately making it less useful as a background song.

For all the songs, there are certainly pieces that could be extracted, looped, and remixed and probably make something surprisingly entertaining.

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