Thursday, February 4, 2010

Listening Assignment 1

The novelty of the idea behind Riverrun and the challenges of putting it together into such a long piece is what have propelled Barry Truax’s work into stardom.  The environment which is created by the track is a great example of hearing how granular synthesis operates.  Some parts of Riverrun build up anticipation and thus have the potential of becoming great intros for movie soundtracks. However, with today’s saturated music market and talented producers I feel that there are many more worthy alternatives that could easily replace that role.
Jacob’s room blends in vocals with electronic sounds but the interesting part is that it does it for an opera atmosphere. The voice is synthesized in some parts which add to an already creepy and tense atmosphere.  This piece provides more dynamics, creativity and a richer sound environment which ultimately makes it my preferred choice over Riverrun. 

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