Friday, March 26, 2010

Brian Eno Video

Brian Eno brings in a surprisingly fresh and philosophical outlook towards music. In his quest to create a more desirable reality he has embraced a simple idea, but one with profound consequences: “simple systems can produce complex results.” By stripping the complexity and involving a random yet modular approach to creating music Eno produces works of art which dazzle their audience with their brilliant simplicity. One doesn’t need to take the classical or hierarchical approach to making music and let all flow of information propagate downwards. New age artists can mashup different technologies to create a completely different musical experience.

There is too much copying between artists nowadays as they race for top spots on the Billboard charts. Creativity is hindered by greed and the business/marketing aspect of music has corrupted the core behind what musicians stand for. Eno argues that things have simply evolved with the digital age and the current generation cannot savor music like previous generations because digital technology has saturated their ability to fully enjoy it. All the latest tracks are available to us via many mediums so what becomes essential is to capture the musical experience by having festivals and virally spreading it across social networks.

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